1. Bye Bye husband! Basketball madness will be on all day and all night! I know that I am in for more than I bargained for this year since this is my first married march madness. I don't know how much basketball I can take. We shall see!
2. Work has been crazy! We are short handed right now so we are all picking up extra shifts. This is great for my paycheck but bad for my sleep schedule.
3. Our social life has also been madness. On my off days we have been very busy. My family visited last weekend and this coming weekend we are going to Denver Colorado to visit Justin's family. I am excited but a little nervous how I will do snow skiing. Hopefully I do not break a bone!
4. Spring is here! This gives us a taste of what summer will be like right around the corner. I don't know about anyone else but after blizzard weather this winter I am ready for some sunshine!
Love my new bedroom decorations!!